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Mike Bowersox

Mental Health Matters: Dismantling Stigma Around Psychiatric and Addictive Disorders- May 27th

This free webinar explores the different types and manifestations of stigma. It specifically focuses on how stigma impacts treatment seeking, treatment delivery, and other health-related issues in the context of psychiatric and addictive disorders. This webinar reviews strategies to dismantle stigma within clinical practice and address the barriers to effective treatment often caused by stigma. In addition, the webinar outlines the significant impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the stigma around psychiatric and addictive disorders. A peer support person with lived experience will also share her perspective coping with stigma. At the conclusion of this presentation, the learner will be able to:

  • Define and understand stigma around psychiatric and addictive disorders

  • Examine the evidence demonstrating the impact of stigma on treatment resources and care of patients with psychiatric and addictive disorders

  • Learn about strategies for changing stigma and how to implement them in policy and practice settings

  • Identify strategies for addressing the impact of stigma during the COVID-19 pandemic


Antoine B. Douaihy, MD

Cassandra L. Boness, MA

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